Saturday, March 15, 2008

Minutes March 15, 2008 Meeting

Greater St. Louis Nintey Nines
Minutes of the meeting of Saturday, March 15, 2008 at Greater St Louis Air & Space Museum, St. Louis Downtown Airport

Present at lunch at Olivers and the meeting: Gussie Freese, Delia Greer, Jean Murry, Martha Norman, Jan Pocock, Libby Yunger.

Our scheduled speaker, Ruth Church, RN, was unable to attend due to illness. Our chairman, Sally Siebe was unable to attend due to a broken rib from a fall. A card was signed and sent to her. Prior to the meeting the members and their guests had lunch at Oliver’s restaurant in the Downtown Airport terminal and had a tour of the Museum and hangar lead by Museum volunteer, Jack Ambercrombie.

The meeting was called to order at 1:25 pm by vice-chairman, Jean Murry. Libby Yunger read the minutes and they were accepted as written. Martha Norman read the treasurers report and it was accepted. Martha announced that our net income from the raffle at the MACTS was $169.

Delia Greer, Jean Murry, and Jan Pocock are attending the North Central Section meeting in Osceola IA in April.

Martha Norman announced that the NIFA National Competition will be May 4-10 at Middle Tennessee University in Murphreysboro, TN. Martha has already volunteered to judge and additional judges are needed. Anyone interested in judging should contact her.

The Midwest Fly-In at St. Louis Downtown Airport will be on May 24. The Museum does not plan to have speakers this year; however it will be hosting a Girl Scouts aviation badge program in conjunction with the fly-in and open house. Since Delia, Jan, and Jean will be involved with the Girl Scout program, we decided not to have a Ninety-Nines booth at the fly-in.

Our meeting will be at the State Police hangar at Spirit Airport on April 19. We will have a tour of the hangar at 10 am followed by a meeting and lunch. Libby Yunger will make arrangements for our Installation Luncheon on Saturday, May 17 or Sunday, May 18. Jean will ask Vivian Waters about hosting a swim party and pot luck at the Chapter One club house in June or July.

The meeting was adjourned at 1:55 pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Libby Yunger

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