Monday, December 31, 2007

Mintues December 15, 2007 Meeting

Greater St. Louis Ninety Nines
Minutes of the meeting of Saturday, 15 December 2007 at the Veranda Cafe

Present at lunch at holiday luncheon and meeting: Gussie Freese, Nelda Lee, Jean Murry, Jan Pocock, Sally Siebe, Libby Yunger.

The meeting was called to order at 1:25 am by chairman, Sally Siebe. The minutes were accepted as written. Gussie Freese read the treasurers report and it was accepted.

Sally Siebe is looking for a copy of the Chairman’s Manual (Chapter Chairman’s Notebook). If you have this manual, please bring it to the next chapter meeting.

Sally announced that the January issue of Waypoint would be issued soon. Members with an e-mail address will receive their copies electronically. Members without e-mail will continue to receive a paper copy. The new format of Waypoint will include stories related to the Chapter newsletters. The newsletters will not be published but will be available on the NC Section web site. The NC Section is looking for a new web master.

There were no applicants for the AE Scholarship this year.

Gussie Freese reported that she will schedule our exhibit at the library in Florissant for August 2008. The exhibit will be at Mid-County Library in Clayton in January, and it will be Illinois at Mascoutah in February, Lebanon in May, and New Baden in November.

Libby Yunger announced that St. Louis Univ. is charging the Flight Instructors this year for use of the rooms in the Busch Center for the Midwest Aviation Conference and Trade Show (MACTS). Therefore, they are requesting non-profit organizations to donate $50 for their booths at the trade show. The trade show will be from 12 noon to 5 pm on Saturday, January 19, following the Super Safety Seminar, which will be held from 8 am to noon on Saturday. Brian Udell, survivor of an ejection from a jet fighter at supersonic speeds, and Cathe Fish will be the featured presenters at the Super Safety Seminar. Libby Yunger moved and Jean Murry seconded the motion that we donate $50 to the MACTS. The motion passed, 5 in favor, 1 opposed. We will again be auctioning off a goodie basket. Jean Murry has asked that each member bring something for the basket. She will provide the basket and wrapping. We will also be selling luggage tags.

The NC Midwinter meeting will be February 23 at Chicago Midway Airport. Information is in the Waypoint.

The deadline for nominations for the Forest of Friendship is April 15. This year’s theme is security and solice in flight.

The Ninety-Nines has a new membership form that is available on the Ninety-Nines International web site.

The meeting was adjourned at 2:15 pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Libby Yunger

Friday, November 30, 2007

Minutes - November 17, 2007 Meeting

Greater St. Louis Nintey Nines
Minutes of the meeting of Saturday, 17 November 2007 at St. Charles County Airport
Present at lunch at Kilroy’s Restaurant: Kim Atkins, Teresa Camp, Jean Murry, Jan Pocock, Libby Yunger. Present at the meeting: Teresa Camp, Jean Murry, Jan Pocock, Sally Siebe, Libby Yunger

The meeting was called to order at 1:25 pm by Chairman, Sally Siebe. The minutes were read and accepted. The treasurer’s report was received from Martha Norman.

Old Business:
1) Sally Siebe gave a brief summary of her attendance at the Ninety-Nines International meeting in September.

New Business:
1) We decided not to accept an offer from the History Museum in Forest Park for “buy one get one free” vouchers to the City of Flight exhibit.
2) The deadlines for submission of material for the electronic Waypoint are:
Dec 1 for the January issue
March 1 for the April issure
June 1 for the July issue
Sept 1 for the October issue
Send of e-mail articles to Sally Siebe by those dates.
3) Applications for the AE Scholarships are due 1 December.
4) Pam Held did not renew her membership in the Ninety-Nines. Motoya Yamada transferred to the Ambassador Chapter.
5) The Christmas Luncheon will be at the Veranda Restaurant on Saturday, December 15 at 11 am. We will have the private room and will order from the menu and pay individually.

Amendments to the Standing Rules:
The amendments that were drawn up by Martha Norman and sent with the Newsletter in September, October, and November were discussed. Amendments 1 and 2 were unanimously accepted. Amendment 3 was tabled.


1. MEETINGS (Paragraph 1)

Unless otherwise notified in the Chapter Newsletter, meetings will be on the third Saturday of each month, or as published in the Handbook. The time and place of the meeting as well as the time and place of any associated activity (ie. lunch), if not an integral part of the meeting (ie. Officer Installation Luncheon), will be included in the Newsletter.

Teresa Camp moved that we adopt this amendment as written, Jan Pocock seconded, and the motion was unanimously approved.

2. AMENDMENTS (New Paragraph to go after Section ELECTIONS and before Section OFFICER DUTIES)

These Standing Rules may be amended at a regular meeting of the membership by a majority vote of the members in good standing present. The proposed amendments shall be submitted to all members at least thirty-days prior to the meeting. Members may vote by mail or e-mail as defined in Article X, Section 2, Item B, Paragraph 2 of the Bylaws of the Greater St. Louis Chapter of the Ninety-Nines, Inc.

Teresa Camp moved we adopt this amendment as written, Libby Yunger seconded and the motion was unanimously approved.

3. EXPENSES (Paragraph 2 and make current paragraph 2 be paragraph 3.)

To encourage participation in the International Annual Meeting and in North Central Section Meetings, the Chapter Chairman or any one member in good standing who is giving a formal presentation at the meeting, may be named "Official Delegate" of the Chapter and may, in that capacity, request payment of the meeting registration fee from the Chapter treasury. It is understood that the named delegate is personally responsible for all other meeting related expenses including, but not limited to: travel, lodging, meals and entertainment. The naming of the "Official Delegate" will be done by vote of Chapter members in good standing at a Chapter meeting. That Chapter meeting shall be no earlier than the meeting preceding the "early" registration deadline of the event to be attended. The delegate and event must be entered into the minutes of that meeting. The "Official Delegate" will be named for only one meeting at a time. The "Official Delegate" must attend the business meeting and report to the Chapter at the next scheduled Chapter meeting. Her attendance at the specified meeting and a summary of her report will be entered into the minutes of the Chapter meeting following the event. Registration fees granted by the Chapter to the "Official Delegate" will be refunded to the Chapter in the event she can/does not attend the meeting.

It was unanimously agreed to table this amendment. The amendment is unnecessary since the Standing Rules already provide a mechanism for reimbursing expenses that a majority of the membership deems appropriate. Over the past three months, members have expressed concern that the Chapter does not have the funds to name “official delegates” nor should it send such a delegate to most meetings. In the rare event that a member merits attendance at a meeting and cannot attend without financial assistance from the Chapter, it is most appropriately handled as an individual request to the membership.

The meeting was adjourned at 2:30 pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Libby Yunger, Secretary

Newsletter - November 2007

Greater St. Louis Ninety-Nines Newsletter
November 2007

November meeting: Saturday, November 17
St Charles County Airport
6390 Grafton Ferry Rd
Portage des Sioux, MO 63373

10 am (approx) – Visit the CAF Museum and hangar
11:30 am – Lunch at Kilroy’s Restaurant in the airport terminal buildingt
1:00 p.m. – Meeting in the terminal building lounge

Please bring nonperishable food items to the meeting for the Circle of Concern. Gussie Freese is collecting these items in November this year because our Holiday luncheon is later in December than usual.

Martha Norman has asked that we consider the following amendments to the Chapter By-Laws (the changes are either bolded or in red). We did not discuss these amendments at the October meeting, so I am including them again with this newsletter for discussion and vote at the November meeting:


1. MEETINGS (Paragraph 1)

Unless otherwise notified in the Chapter Newsletter, meetings will be on the third Saturday of each month, or as published in the Handbook. The time and place of the meeting as well as the time and place of any associated activity (ie. lunch), if not an integral part of the meeting (ie. Officer Installation Luncheon), will be included in the Newsletter.

Reason: This is so that any one interested in being at the meeting, but does not wish to attend the associated activity, for whatever reason, can make the choice to do so. If the program for that meeting is an "all day" activity, she can be at the meeting without the expense of time/participation on an activity that may not be of her special interest or inclination.

2. AMENDMENTS (New Paragraph to go after Section ELECTIONS and before Section OFFICER DUTIES)

These Standing Rules may be amended at a regular meeting of the membership by a majority vote of the members in good standing present. The proposed amendments shall be submitted to all members at least thirty-days prior to the meeting. Members may vote by mail or e-mail as defined in Article X, Section 2, Item B, Paragraph 2 of the Bylaws of the Greater St. Louis Chapter of the Ninety-Nines, Inc.

Reason: A means to change the Standing Rules needs to be defined so that there is an organized and ordered means to keep the Standing Rules current and applicable to present day needs. This will keep the membership informed and give them a means to voice their opinion. The time frame is such that they will be able to consider the question at hand and be able to cast their vote on the subject(s) at hand.

3. EXPENSES (Paragraph 2 and make current paragraph 2 be paragraph 3.)

To encourage participation in the International Annual Meeting and in North Central Section Meetings, the Chapter Chairman or any one member in good standing who is giving a formal presentation at the meeting, may be named "Official Delegate" of the Chapter and may, in that capacity, request payment of the meeting registration fee from the Chapter treasury. It is understood that the named delegate is personally responsible for all other meeting related expenses including, but not limited to: travel, lodging, meals and entertainment. The naming of the "Official Delegate" will be done by vote of Chapter members in good standing at a Chapter meeting. That Chapter meeting shall be no earlier than the meeting preceding the "early" registration deadline of the event to be attended. The delegate and event must be entered into the minutes of that meeting. The "Official Delegate" will be named for only one meeting at a time. The "Official Delegate" must attend the business meeting and report to the Chapter at the next scheduled Chapter meeting. Her attendance at the specified meeting and a summary of her report will be entered into the minutes of the Chapter meeting following the event. Registration fees granted by the Chapter to the "Official Delegate" will be refunded to the Chapter in the event she can/does not attend the meeting.

Reason: To define who is eligible for compensation to attend meetings and which meetings they may be compensated for. Since there now is a precedent set, a definition must be determined.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Minutes - October 23, 2007 Meeting

Greater St. Louis Nintey Nines
Minutes of the meeting of Tuesday, 23 October 2007 at Greater St. Louis Air & Space Museum.

Present at dinner at Olivers and the Ninety-Nines meeting: Gussie Freese, Ruby, Fudoli, Delia Greer, Laura Million, Jean Murry, Martha Norman, Jan Pocock, Libby Yunger

The meeting was called to order at 7 pm by Vice-Chairman, Jean Murry. The minutes had been sent out with the newsletter and there were accepted with no corrections. Martha Norman gave the treasurers report and it was accepted. Martha announced that all directories had been distributed.

There was no old business.

New Business:
Libby Yunger received the Airmarking Guide from the Mid-Atlantic Section at the end of September and determined that there is not sufficient time to plan the Compass Rose and assemble all the necessary materials by the early part of November. Therefore, she recommended that this project be put off until Spring (March or April). Libby will inform Angie at Greenville Airport of our change in plans.

The November meeting was rescheduled for Saturday, November 17 at St. Charles County Airport. The CAF Museum and hangar is open from 10 am to 2:30 pm on Saturday. We will have lunch at Kilroys in the main terminal building at 11:30 am with the meeting at 1 pm in the main terminal lounge.

Since the October meeting was in conjunction with the NIFA Regional Competition at Parks College and Downtown Airport, Martha Norman gave very informative slide presentation on the history and organization of NIFA and some of her experiences as a NIFA judge, She had previously given this presentation at the North Central Section Spring meeting.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:15 pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Libby Yunger, Secretary

Monday, October 1, 2007

Newsletter - October 2007

Greater St. Louis Ninety-Nines Newsletter
October 2007

October Meeting: Tuesday, October 23
Greater St. Louis Air & Space Museum
Vector Drive, Hangar 2
Saint Louis Downtown Airport
5:30 pm – Dinner at Oliver’s in the Main Terminal Building at St. Louis
Downtown Airport
7:00 p.m. – Meeting at the Air & Space Museum

This meeting is in conjunction with the Regional NIFA Competition that is taking place at Parks College and St. Louis Downtown Airport during the week of October 21-26. The schedule of events and request for judges is either included with this mailing for those not on the e-mail list. Those on the e-mail list received this information last week. Martha Norman will discuss her experiences as a NIFA judge at this meeting. We plan to have information on the Ninety-Nines available to the participants during this event.

We did not discuss these amendments at the September meeting, so I am including them again with this newsletter for discussion and vote at the October meeting:

Martha Norman has asked that we consider the following amendments to the Chapter By-Laws (the changes are either bolded or in red):


1. MEETINGS (Paragraph 1)

Unless otherwise notified in the Chapter Newsletter, meetings will be on the third Saturday of each month, or as published in the Handbook. The time and place of the meeting as well as the time and place of any associated activity (ie. lunch), if not an integral part of the meeting (ie. Officer Installation Luncheon), will be included in the Newsletter.

Reason: This is so that any one interested in being at the meeting, but does not wish to attend the associated activity, for whatever reason, can make the choice to do so. If the program for that meeting is an "all day" activity, she can be at the meeting without the expense of time/participation on an activity that may not be of her special interest or inclination.

2. AMENDMENTS (New Paragraph to go after Section ELECTIONS and before Section OFFICER DUTIES)

These Standing Rules may be amended at a regular meeting of the membership by a majority vote of the members in good standing present. The proposed amendments shall be submitted to all members at least thirty-days prior to the meeting. Members may vote by mail or e-mail as defined in Article X, Section 2, Item B, Paragraph 2 of the Bylaws of the Greater St. Louis Chapter of the Ninety-Nines, Inc.

Reason: A means to change the Standing Rules needs to be defined so that there is an organized and ordered means to keep the Standing Rules current and applicable to present day needs. This will keep the membership informed and give them a means to voice their opinion. The time frame is such that they will be able to consider the question at hand and be able to cast their vote on the subject(s) at hand.

3. EXPENSES (Paragraph 2 and make current paragraph 2 be paragraph 3.)

To encourage participation in the International Annual Meeting and in North Central Section Meetings, the Chapter Chairman or any one member in good standing who is giving a formal presentation at the meeting, may be named "Official Delegate" of the Chapter and may, in that capacity, request payment of the meeting registration fee from the Chapter treasury. It is understood that the named delegate is personally responsible for all other meeting related expenses including, but not limited to: travel, lodging, meals and entertainment. The naming of the "Official Delegate" will be done by vote of Chapter members in good standing at a Chapter meeting. That Chapter meeting shall be no earlier than the meeting preceding the "early" registration deadline of the event to be attended. The delegate and event must be entered into the minutes of that meeting. The "Official Delegate" will be named for only one meeting at a time. The "Official Delegate" must attend the business meeting and report to the Chapter at the next scheduled Chapter meeting. Her attendance at the specified meeting and a summary of her report will be entered into the minutes of the Chapter meeting following the event. Registration fees granted by the Chapter to the "Official Delegate" will be refunded to the Chapter in the event she can/does not attend the meeting.

Reason: To define who is eligible for compensation to attend meetings and which meetings they may be compensated for. Since there now is a precedent set, a definition must be determined.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Newsletter - September 2007

Greater St. Louis Ninety-Nines Newsletter
September 2007

September meeting: Sunday, September 23 – Creve Coeur Airport
12:00 noon – Picnic Lunch at the FBO (includes a choice of meats,
cole slaw, potato salad, and other fixings, price is $6 per person)
1:30 p.m. – Meeting in the upstairs meeting room at the FBO

There are a lot of folks at Creve Coeur who have restored or are restoring old aircraft, and there will be ample time after the meeting to snoop around the hangars. If enough members are interested, we may be able to get Al Stix to give us a tour of his museum of antique aircraft (for a fee). Also if Ken and Dot Kotik are there, they have the fanciest hangar in the Midwest which doubles as a gallery for Ken’s aircraft paintings.

Directions to Creve Coeur Airport:
From US 40: Take US 40 to I-270 North (toward Chicago). Get off at MO-
364/Page Ave. West. Take exit 17 for Maryland Hts Expressway. Turn right at Maryland Hts Expressway and go about 1.1 miles to Creve Coeur Mill Rd. Turn left – that is the entrance to the airport.
From MO-141 North: Take MO-141 north until it ends in Olive Blvd. Turn
right. At Creve Coeur Mill Rd. (I think that’s the next light) turn left. Follow Creve Coeur Mill Rd about 3.5 miles – it will cross Maryland Hts. Expressway and enter the airport.
From Illinois North: Take I-270 west across the river. Exit at I-70 West toward
Kansas City. Take exit 231A, Earth City Expressway S (after about a mile it becomes Maryland Hts Expressway). Continue a total of 3.3 miles to Creve Coeur Mill Rd. Turn right and enter the airport.
From I-55: Go North on I-55 to I-270. Take I-270 north to MO-364/Page
Avenue West. From that point follow the direction for “From US” above

We hope to see everyone on Sunday, September 23.

Martha Norman has asked that we consider the following amendments to the Chapter By-Laws (the changes are either bolded or in red):


1. MEETINGS (Paragraph 1)

Unless otherwise notified in the Chapter Newsletter, meetings will be on the third Saturday of each month, or as published in the Handbook. The time and place of the meeting as well as the time and place of any associated activity (ie. lunch), if not an integral part of the meeting (ie. Officer Installation Luncheon), will be included in the Newsletter.

Reason: This is so that any one interested in being at the meeting, but does not wish to attend the associated activity, for whatever reason, can make the choice to do so. If the program for that meeting is an "all day" activity, she can be at the meeting without the expense of time/participation on an activity that may not be of her special interest or inclination.

2. AMENDMENTS (New Paragraph to go after Section ELECTIONS and before Section OFFICER DUTIES)

These Standing Rules may be amended at a regular meeting of the membership by a majority vote of the members in good standing present. The proposed amendments shall be submitted to all members at least thirty-days prior to the meeting. Members may vote by mail or e-mail as defined in Article X, Section 2, Item B, Paragraph 2 of the Bylaws of the Greater St. Louis Chapter of the Ninety-Nines, Inc.

Reason: A means to change the Standing Rules needs to be defined so that there is an organized and ordered means to keep the Standing Rules current and applicable to present day needs. This will keep the membership informed and give them a means to voice their opinion. The time frame is such that they will be able to consider the question at hand and be able to cast their vote on the subject(s) at hand.

3. EXPENSES (Paragraph 2 and make current paragraph 2 be paragraph 3.)

To encourage participation in the International Annual Meeting and in North Central Section Meetings, the Chapter Chairman or any one member in good standing who is giving a formal presentation at the meeting, may be named "Official Delegate" of the Chapter and may, in that capacity, request payment of the meeting registration fee from the Chapter treasury. It is understood that the named delegate is personally responsible for all other meeting related expenses including, but not limited to: travel, lodging, meals and entertainment. The naming of the "Official Delegate" will be done by vote of Chapter members in good standing at a Chapter meeting. That Chapter meeting shall be no earlier than the meeting preceding the "early" registration deadline of the event to be attended. The delegate and event must be entered into the minutes of that meeting. The "Official Delegate" will be named for only one meeting at a time. The "Official Delegate" must attend the business meeting and report to the Chapter at the next scheduled Chapter meeting. Her attendance at the specified meeting and a summary of her report will be entered into the minutes of the Chapter meeting following the event. Registration fees granted by the Chapter to the "Official Delegate" will be refunded to the Chapter in the event she can/does not attend the meeting.

Reason: To define who is elegible for compensation to attend meetings and which meetings they may be compensated for. Since there now is a precedent set, a definition must be determined.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Minutes September 22, 2007 Meeting

Greater St. Louis Nintey Nines
Minutes of the meeting of Sunday, 22 September 2007 at Creve Coeur Airport.

Present at the picnic lunch prior to the meeting: Kayleen Amerson, Gussie Freese, Ruby, Fudoli, Delia Greer, Nelda Lee, Laura Million, Jean Murry, Martha Norman, Jan Pocock, Vivian Waters, Libby Yunger

Present at the meeting: Kayleen Amerson, Gussie Freese, Ruby Fudoli, Delia Greer, Nelda Lee, Laura Million, Jean Murry, Martha Norman, Jan Pocock, Libby Yunger

The meeting was called to order at 1:20 pm by Vice-Chairman, Jean Murry. The minutes had been sent out with the newsletter and there were no additions or corrections. Martha Norman gave the treasurers report and it was accepted.

This was officially our Annual Meeting and birthday party. Jean Murry brought some of the chapter scrapbooks and cupcakes. The Chapter was started in 1941 by Del Scharr and is now 66 years old.

Old Business:

The Holiday Luncheon will be at 11 am on Saturday, 15 December at the Veranda. Because the luncheon is so late in the year, we will be collecting canned food and other non-perishables for the Circle of Concern at our November meeting.

Martha Norman distributed the Chapter Directory to all members present. Copies will be sent to the remaining members. Note that the Ruby Fudoli’s contact information is incorrect in the directory. Please update it as follows:
Fudoli, Ruby
#1 Pratt Place Apt 225
Florissant, MO 63031
Ruby does not have e-mail at this time.
The Board of Directors is also incorrect in the Directory.. The four Directors are Delia Greer, Sue Mathias, Vivian Waters, and Jan Pocock.

New Business:

Jean Murry reported on the International Business Meeting in Denver. Approximately 350 members attended. The meeting was well organized and kept on schedule. CarolAnn Garratt spoke on her around-the-world flight in a Mooney. Proceeds from the related book, Upon Silver Wings, benefit ALS research. The schedule to future International Meetings:
August 2008: Alaska
2009: Chicago
2010: Hawaii
Jan Pocock has new information on the AE Scholarships

Martha Norman reported that 65 members were present at the Spring North Central Section meeting in Omaha and her talk was well attended. The Vice Governor of the North Central Section has resigned. The Michigan and Greater Detroit Chapters have merged and the Central Illinois Chapter has folded.

Kayleen Amerson has scheduled three libraries in Illinois for the remaining months in the library exhibit schedule. We will decide at a later date whether to continue the exhibit into 2009.

The Girl Scouts will be offering an Air and Space badge in Illinois. Jean is representing the Greater St. Louis Air and Space Museum. Laura Million and Kayleen Amerson offered to help out on the Illinois side and Jan Pocock is working on the Missouri side.

Jean Murry asked that we save the Millionaire Dollars from the Post Dispatch for her to give to the Wings of Hope.

The meeting was adjourned at 2:30 pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Libby Yunger, Secretary

Friday, August 31, 2007

Newsletter - August 2007

Greater St. Louis Ninety-Nines Newsletter
August 2007

August meeting: Saturday, August 18 – Tour the new Wings of Hope Hangar
11:30 a.m. – Lunch at O’Charley’s in the Chesterfield Valley
1:00 p.m. – Meeting and tour at the new Wings of Hope hangar
18370 Wings of Hope Blvd
Chesterfield, MO 63005
Wings of Hope Blvd is the first road to the right off the main drive into Spirit of St Louis Airport from Airport Rd. (it used to be called Aviation Museum Blvd)
We hope to see everyone on Saturday, August 18.

Library Exhibit:

After a 2-month hiatus the library exhibit was installed on July 30 at the Rock Road branch of the St. Louis County Library on St. Charles Rock Rd. in St. Ann (it’s just west of the Vatterott College building). At the meeting in July, Gussie Freese accepted the Chairmanship of the Library Committee. Responsibility for the individual libraries was divided up among the members:
Libby Yunger: Rock Road (Aug. 2007),
Bridgeton Trails (Nov. 2007),
Mid County (Jan. 2008),
Indian Trails (May 2008).
Gussie Freese: Lewis and Clark (Sept. 2007),
Grand Glaize (Sept. 2008),
and Sachs (Oct. 2008).
Jan Pocock: Daniel Boone (Oct 2007),
Main Library (Dec. 2008 – Libby will help since it’s a large exhibit area).
Jean Murry: Weber Road (Dec. 2007),
Prairie Commons (July, 2008)
Sally Siebe: Tesson Ferry (March 2008),
Cliff Cave (June 2008)
Delia Greer: Jamestown Bluffs (Apr. 2008).

The member in charge of each library is responsible for checking out the facility in advance, and to arrange for setting up and removing the exhibit in the designated month.. The library must have a suitable locking display cabinet.

Upcoming Events:

Sept 12-16: The Ninety-Nines International Conference, Denver CO

Sept 21-23: North Central Section Fall Meeting, Duluth MN. Julie Clark is the keynote speaker

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Newletter - July 2007

Greater St. Louis Ninety-Nines Newsletter
July 2007

July meeting:
July 21, meet at 10 am
Circle of Hope Office
460 N. Lindbergh in the American Heart Building
(on the east side of Lindbergh just south of Olive and Monsanto)

We will have a business meeting and lunch will be provided. This is a service project; we will be making Circle of Hope Bracelets or working on another similar project. Information on the Circle of Hope is appended to the end of the Newsletter. This is truly a worthwhile endeavor and we hope to see many of you on July 21.

Proposed Standing Rules Amendment:
At one time our chapter treasury paid the registration fees for the Chapter Chairman to attend the yearly International and Section meetings. At some point this practice was discontinued. After much discussion, we decided to bring the following amendment to the Standing Rules of the Chapter to a vote of the membership at the July meeting. Note that the payment of registration fees is not automatic; it must be requested by the Chapter Chairman or invited speaker.
To encourage participation in the annual North Central Section and International Annual meetings, the Chapter Chairman or any member invited to give a formal presentation at the meeting may request payment of the meeting registration fee from the Chapter treasury. It is understood that the Chapter Chairman or invited speaker is personally responsible for all other meeting related expenses including, but not limited to, travel expenses, hotel, meals, and entertainment.

Chapter Handbook:
The 2007-2008 Membership Director and Handbook is inpreparation. If your address, phone number, or e-mail address has changed, please give your corrected information to Martha Norman. Her e-mail address is and her phone number is 573-546-7472.

Library Exhibit:
Thanks to Gussie Freese, our library exhibit will be shown at libraries in St. Louis County from August 2007 through December 2008. We do have three months that are not filled: February, August, and November 2008. Please let Gussie or Libby Yunger know if you can schedule the exhibit at a library in your community. Also please let Libby ( know if you would be willing to help put up or take down the exhibit. The library schedule will be available at the July meeting and will be on our website ( If anyone has books, articles or other artifacts to add to our exhibit, please contact Libby. In order to insure that the exhibit items remain intact for the next year or two, we have laminated the posters and newspaper article on refurbishing the DC-3. We would like to submit an article on the library exhibit to the Ninety-Nines News. Please let Libby know if you would like to contribute to or assist in writing this article.

News from Baghdad:
Gussie, Libby, and Mary Kinnaw shared messages they received from Kim Atkins. If you want to write to Kim, her e-mail address is .
Message to Gussie on June 18:
Just wanted you to pass along to the ladies that I am doing well in Baghdad. It's super hot but I work inside so it's tolerable. I'll certainly have to share my stories and pictures of the busy schedule of flights in an out of here and also some interesting stories of being attacked. Yep, got more than I bargained for in the war zone.
I miss everyone and will be back in September.
Sincerely, Kim

Message to Mary on June 24:
Thanks for writing it's great to hear from you. We are okay here aside from all the action. This is certainly a life changing event which may be exactly what I need considering being newly divorced. This place is helping me to realize what really is important.
I've attached a picture of me with two basketball players. Seems like we have many visitors who are trying to keep up our morale. (Photo is attached to the Newsletter.)
Be safe\

Message to Libby on July 10:
Thanks for writing it's great to hear from you. This deployment is good for me in many ways but mostly I will appreciate the freedom and luxuries we enjoy in America. I'll be glad to drive on a paved road, take a shower without wearing shower shoes, and most of all not duck and cover for incoming. You know I am an adrenaline junky but am very concerned about people being injured by rockets. I have many stories to share when I come home that I cannot discuss over e-mail.
Have fun with the summer air shows. I have one out my back door all day and night and love it.

Circle of Hope
As an executive board member of AMC Cancer Research, I have had the honor for several years of working with an exceptional group of women who are all breast cancer survivors, and who we honor in a Pictorial Tribute that feature their photos and inspirational quotes. The Pic Trib, as we call it, travels to different shopping malls, events and business in the St. Louis area to celebrate the survival and spirit of these amazing women.
One of the women honored was Fran Lefrak-Brown. Although nearly all the women are still with us, and fighting for the cause, we lost Fran last year to a recurrence. Her legacy lives on, however, in the Circle of Hope bracelet, which she created in 1999 after her first diagnosis in order to raise money for research. What began with Fran sitting at her kitchen table with crystal beads and silver hoping to raise a few thousand dollars has now exploded into an 501(c) (3)organization with hundreds of volunteers coordinated by Fran's husband, Jerry Brown. In just a few short years, Circle of Hope has contributed over $200,000 to AMC and other charities working for a cure. They have sponsored events ranging from Day of Caring to Walks for Women; have worked with the American Cancer Society Relay for Life; and been featured on several St. Louis news programs and in newspapers and magazines.
Their volunteers include everyone from women's groups to girl scout troops (including River Bend Senior Troop 111) to learning disabled children; even customers of Talbots. Talbots at Plaza Frontenac was so impressed with the design that they now sell them at special events, and will be introducing them to at least one additional Talbot's store in Indiana. The bracelets are also sold at several stores in the St. Louis area, with the best selections at Small Indulgences on Big Bend, and Ann's Bra Shop right around the corner at olive and Woods Mill.
In 2003, Circle of Hope continues to grow, with the introduction of a brochure to handle mail orders, and a new Web site. I have been giving Circle of Hope bracelets as gifts for several years now to friends, family, teachers and colleagues. They are beautifully presented, wonderfully crafted and always appreciated gifts. Bracelet making parties are a great way to help this all volunteer organization help meet the demand of their expanded marketing programs, and raise even more money for cancer research.
The nice thing about bracelet parties is that it doesn't matter how many people show up, or how much time they have to spend. Circle of Hope appreciates the effort whether the result is ten bracelets, or 200. People can stop by for 45 minutes, or stay for several hours depending upon their level of interest. And it's something that all ages can do (although I'd like to limit it to middle and high school age children), and which benefits all ages in that Circle of Hope raises money to fund cancer research and awareness programs.
Circle of Hope is a fabulous charity, and bracelet making parties are a lot of fun. There is no skill involved - Circle of Hope provides all the materials, and training takes only a few moments. We will probably have materials to make three or four different bracelets, so we can rotate folks around the tables so that they can meet new neighbors as well.

Friday, June 1, 2007

Newsletter - June 2007


LINDELL BLVD AND DE BALIVIERE AVE. in beautiful Forrest Park.

We will enjoy a lovely lunch, then tour the museum's "FLIGHT CITY:ST. LOUIS TAKES TO THE AIR"
A History of flight in the metro St. Louis area. (fee for non MO History members $5.00
Fella who's seen it says it's well worth the trip. Quite an education on our region's relationship
with aviation. Lord knows, we've been involved in that!!

PLEASE CALL JEAN MURRY (314-469-3541) if you plan on lunch.
(They need a head count for group lunch - and so we can get our group signed up for the exhibit,)

We'll have a brief meeting after viewing the exhibit.

Our Installation luncheon was a happy occasion! Not only did we install our new (?) Officers, but were able to CONGRATULATE our new chairman, Sally on having received one of the A.E.
She certainly deserves the award. She worked very hard for it. We're plenty proud, Sally!!

Our thanks to Gussie for a great job of installing, =and our condolences to "Russ for being the only male in the crowd. (Didn't seem to faze him, tho)

Oh, by the way, we're sorry about the conflict on our meeting date and the Komen "Race for the Cure". But try to find a date in June (or any other month) that doesn't conflict with something. How about going downtown on Sat. morning , doing your volunteer contribution thing and then heading for Forrest Park - Mid Town and the MO History Museum (A.K.A. Jefferson Memorial) and our get together by noon????????
Just a thought, Jan

This information from Martha Norman:
July 13 -14 2007 Annual Wings Weekend: Coles County Airport, (MTO) Matoon, IL. Contact Dale Rust, IDOT Aeronautics, phone 214-524-5269 or e-mail

July 23 - 29, 2007 EAA AirVenture Oshkosh 2007: Whitman Regional Airport Oshkosh. Wisconsin Contact

August 24 -25 , 2007 Annual Wings Weekend: DeKalb Municipal Airport (DKB), DeKalb IL. Contact Gary Steens, IDOT Aeronautics, phone 217-785-5746: or e-mail Gary.D.Stevens,

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Newsletter - April 21, 2007

Greater St. Louis Chapter , 99s
April 21, 2007

We get to tour Spirit of St. Louis airport tower, 10:00

To get there, head for the tower on Edison Avenue. Turn left on Beechcraft Road to parking lot just beyond the tower.
There is a waiting area on main level since only four of us at a time can visit the tower cab. After tours are over, we will have our business meeting.

Nominating chairman Gussie Freese has advised that we have a slate of officers for the coming year, as follows:
Chairman: Sally Siebe,
Vice Chairman: Jean Murry,
Secretary: Libby Yunger, and
Martha Norman will continue to manage our treasury.

Board members will be : Delia Greer, Sue Matheis, Vivian Waters, and Jan Pocock. All these lovely ladies will be installed at our installation luncheon in May. Invitations to follow.

Air Force member, Kim Atkins was our speaker for the Bellville Zontas on February 28th. We are certainly sorry to hear that she'll leave us for several months beginning in May. She'll be on another over-seas assignment. We're wishing her a safe trip and early return.

April 25th, is the first annual Missouri State Aviation Day. We'll want to go to Jefferson City to arrive at 10:00 AM and hopefully meet with out congressional reps. along with Missouri Pilots Assn., Flight Instructors Assn. Women in Aviation, well really, just about anyone connected with federal aviation to push AGAINST user fees, among other unfair taxes proposed against general aviation! We lunch in Jefferson City, then return to home base. Those who can, will fly in, otherwise, we can drive and share the ride.

The April 99s Public Library display will be in Illinois area near Laura Million’s home. Jean Murry will delivered the display items to her on Saturday, March 31st that she and Jan had picked up at the downtown St. Louis main library.

Monday, January 1, 2007

Newsletter - January 2007


HAPPY NEW YEAR !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We will have a brief meeting in conjunction with the Mid - West Aviation Conferance
& Trade show being held at St Louis U., Busch Learning Center January 19 - 21.
We'll meet on Saturday January 20th at 1330 in the cafateria (opposite the hall
where we'll be exibiting our 99's)

We need to finalize the planning for the North Central Section Mid - Winter meeting
we will host at Doubletree Hotel and Conference Center on Saturday February 3rd.
(Registration form was in the Waypoint and will come on a seperate e mail )

On January 6th Sally Siebe will set up the 99's display at the Jefferson County
Library on higheway 141 and I 55 for the month of January. Do get to see it.
Reports on the December display by Jean Murry and Libby Yunger at Thornhill
Library was very impressive. Sally took the pictures. Ask her!

Gussie passed along information that Nelda had fallen at work and broke her
"right wing" (shoulder ). She had to fly commercial to Georgia for family get-
together instead of planned driving. Hope she's lots better, now.
I don't know about our gals! Mary Kinnaw showed up at out Christmas Party
with a broken right wrist and Gussie had to make a couple of trips to the
hospital with vertigo attacks.
Hopping that 2007 will prove to be much healthier year for all of us.

See you on January 20th,