Monday, December 31, 2007

Mintues December 15, 2007 Meeting

Greater St. Louis Ninety Nines
Minutes of the meeting of Saturday, 15 December 2007 at the Veranda Cafe

Present at lunch at holiday luncheon and meeting: Gussie Freese, Nelda Lee, Jean Murry, Jan Pocock, Sally Siebe, Libby Yunger.

The meeting was called to order at 1:25 am by chairman, Sally Siebe. The minutes were accepted as written. Gussie Freese read the treasurers report and it was accepted.

Sally Siebe is looking for a copy of the Chairman’s Manual (Chapter Chairman’s Notebook). If you have this manual, please bring it to the next chapter meeting.

Sally announced that the January issue of Waypoint would be issued soon. Members with an e-mail address will receive their copies electronically. Members without e-mail will continue to receive a paper copy. The new format of Waypoint will include stories related to the Chapter newsletters. The newsletters will not be published but will be available on the NC Section web site. The NC Section is looking for a new web master.

There were no applicants for the AE Scholarship this year.

Gussie Freese reported that she will schedule our exhibit at the library in Florissant for August 2008. The exhibit will be at Mid-County Library in Clayton in January, and it will be Illinois at Mascoutah in February, Lebanon in May, and New Baden in November.

Libby Yunger announced that St. Louis Univ. is charging the Flight Instructors this year for use of the rooms in the Busch Center for the Midwest Aviation Conference and Trade Show (MACTS). Therefore, they are requesting non-profit organizations to donate $50 for their booths at the trade show. The trade show will be from 12 noon to 5 pm on Saturday, January 19, following the Super Safety Seminar, which will be held from 8 am to noon on Saturday. Brian Udell, survivor of an ejection from a jet fighter at supersonic speeds, and Cathe Fish will be the featured presenters at the Super Safety Seminar. Libby Yunger moved and Jean Murry seconded the motion that we donate $50 to the MACTS. The motion passed, 5 in favor, 1 opposed. We will again be auctioning off a goodie basket. Jean Murry has asked that each member bring something for the basket. She will provide the basket and wrapping. We will also be selling luggage tags.

The NC Midwinter meeting will be February 23 at Chicago Midway Airport. Information is in the Waypoint.

The deadline for nominations for the Forest of Friendship is April 15. This year’s theme is security and solice in flight.

The Ninety-Nines has a new membership form that is available on the Ninety-Nines International web site.

The meeting was adjourned at 2:15 pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Libby Yunger