Greater St. Louis Chapter 99s
August 29, 2009
Minutes of Meeting
August 29, 2009
Minutes of Meeting
Members attending: Libby Younger, Jan Pocock, Jean Murry, Mary Kinnaw, Delia Greer, Kayleen Amerson, Ruby Fudoli and Ruth Bohnert.
Ruby, Delia, and Kayleen had to leave early.
Chairman Libby Younger called the meeting to order at 2:30 pm.
MINUTES: The minutes from the July meeting were presented by Mary Kinnaw. The motion to approve the minutes was made by Jan Pocock and seconded by Ruth Bohnert and carried.
TREASURER’S REPORT: Martha Norman absent. Her report was presented by Libby Yunger. Sales money from luggage tags and compass rose patches was deposited in the scholarship fund. The motion to approve the report was made by Jan Pocock and seconded by Mary Kinnaw and passed.
OLD BUSINESS: Jean Murry has requested we change the date of the Chapter Birthday Party to September 27. The time will be 12:30 PM and if you need more time after church services later will be fine. This event will be held at Jean’s home and she will furnish meat and Birthday Cake. Please bring a side dish for pot luck. Be sure to come and celebrate!!!
NEW BUSINESS: Compass Rose Painting. It was decided to do the painting at Greenville Airport on October 24 and 25th. If necessary we will have a later date in case of rain. The airport will provide the paint and possibly barbeque for workers.
Libby will talk with the folks at that airport to get the needed survey prior to our project.
Libby discussed having a Girl Scout Program regarding careers in aviation for women since we have had a request from Laura Dierberg Ayers to provide this service to the girl scouts. Jean suggested we have this at the Wings of Hope location. It was decided to do the program and the location would be a good one.
LIBRARY EXHIBITS: The library exhibits were discussed and the schedule has been set up. Libby Yunger said she is giving a talk at the Maplewood Library on May 10 at 7 PM. She will also be speaking at the Missouri Pilots Association on Wednesday October 14. Try to attend on the 14th and give our support as 99’s! Libby is willing to speak at other libraries if requested to do so.
INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION: Jan Pocock, Jean Murry and Martha Norman attended the International Convention in Chicago and were in charge of the hospitality room for our chapter. They purchased all the food and set up the room which was a big job for them. International did re-imburse our chapter for all the expense. They reported the convention was a big success and well attended. They had a great time!
Libby reported the St. Charles Zonta organization is having a dinner meeting on September 19 and the Speaker is Wally Funk. A cocktail reception is planned at 5:30 PM. They would welcome us to attend.
The motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Mary Kinnaw and seconded by Jean Murry. The meeting adjourned at 3:02 PM.
If you missed this event, It was a very well organized open house for Smartt Field. The weather was beautiful and there were a lot of planes on display that were very interesting. We met many nice people and had a great time!
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Kinnaw, Secretary