Greater St. Louis Nintey Nines
Minutes of the meeting of Saturday, January 17, 2009
at the Midwest Aviation Conference and Trade Show
Minutes of the meeting of Saturday, January 17, 2009
at the Midwest Aviation Conference and Trade Show
Present at the meeting: Teresa Camp, Gussie Freese, Delia Greer, Ann Mongiovi, Jean Murry, Jan Pocock, and Libby Yunger.
The meeting was called to order at 2:50 pm by Vice Chairman Jean Murry. The November minutes were accepted as corrected. Libby Yunger gave an abbreviated treasurers report that was received from Martha Norman. We again raffled a goodie basket and sold chocolate bars. These activities brought in $74. The MACTS charged $50 for the table.
Jean Murry and Gussie Freese were appointed to the nominating committee.
Libby Yunger handed out information and registration forms for the Spring North Central Section meeting in Milwaukee, WI, from March 27-29, 2009.
Upcoming events:
February 21, 2009: Jean Murry will try to arrange a tour of the new control tower at Downtown Airport.
There are no plans yet for the March and April meetings.
Libby Yunger has talked to the manager of Greenville Airport. They have the paint and look forward to getting a compass rose painted on their new ramp sometime this year. We will solicit guidance and assistance from other chapters who have more recent experience painting a compass rose.
The library exhibit is currently at Florissant Valley. Vivian Waters donated an airplane to the exhibit to replace the red paper Lockheed model. Libby Yunger announced that she will be giving a talk entitled 100 years of Women in Aviation, 1909-2009 at Maplewood Library on September 10, at Grand Glaize Library on October 20, and at the Gateway Chapter MPA meeting on October 14.
Ann Mongiovi announced that there will be an airshow at Scott this year but the date has not bee set. They have been asked to be placed on the Blue Angels air show schedule.
The meeting was adjourned at 3:45 pm .
Respectfully submitted,Libby Yunger, Secretary