Saturday, September 17, 2011

September 2011 - Meeting Minutes

Saturday September 17, 2011

Chapter Birthday Celebration and Meeting.

Our meeting followed a wonderful “Pot Luck luncheon” at the home of Jean Murry who provided us with a birthday cake to celebrate the birthday of our Greater St. Louis Chapter.

The meeting was called to order by Chairman, Jan Pocock at 1PM.

There were some concerns for Libby and Bob who were attending the air races and air show in Reno, Nevada.

TREASURER’S REPORT: Martha Norman reported she has collected dues for the coming year and also reported totals in our savings and checking accounts. Sue Mathias raised the question as to whether we might use some of this money on any projects or events coming up this year. Several ideas were discussed and Mary Kinnaw made the motion to investigate some of these ideas and decide later how best to make use of these funds. The motion was seconded by Vivian Waters and carried.

PROGRAM CHAIRMAN: Vice Chairman Jean Murry suggested that we alternate monthly meetings unless we have a good reason to meet during a particular month. She asked that we try skipping the October meeting and have our next meeting November 12 from 10AM to 4PM at Circle of Hope on Lindberg between Ladue and Olive. This will be a workshop to benefit heart and cancer research. Lunch will be served. The motion was made by Jean to have the November 12 date as our next meeting and this was seconded by Gussie Freese and passed.

Jean Murry reported the EAA of St. Louis is sponsoring The Golden Age of Aviation, September 23-25 at St. Louis Downtown Airport, Cahokia IL. They plan to have a real 1929 Ford Tri-Motor Airplane there and will offer 15 minute rides for $70. This aircraft is owned by the Experimental Aircraft Association in Oshkosh, Wisconsin. In addition the Greater St. Louis Air and Space Museum will have some activities. We will have some 99 volunteers along with Women With Wings also helping. There will also be a car show and a Tent Swing Dance under the Stars with a full “Kebab Dinner” and a cash bar. There will be a $10.00 donation for the Swing Dance and dinner.

Susan Van Matre has completed her dispatcher course in Colorado and inquired about possibly applying for our scholarship to complete her ATP cross country training. After some discussion everyone agreed we would be proud to consider her application along with others if she decides to do so.

CHRISTMAS PARTY: Jean reported they are considering several restaurants for the party and it will be announced later.

Since there was no further business, Jan asked for the motion to adjourn. Mary Kinnaw made the motion to adjourn and it was seconded by Susan Van Matre and passed.

The meeting adjourned at 1:45PM.

Respectfully Submitted,

Mary Kinnaw for Libby Yunger, Secretary

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