Friday, April 22, 2011

April 2011 - Newsletter

Greater St. Louis Ninety-Nines
April 2011
April meeting: Saturday, 16 April 2011
Noon: Meet at the Greater St. Louis Air & Space Museum
Hangar 2, St. Louis Downtown Airport (KCPS)

Dinner at Olivers afterward for anyone interested

We will be washing Nikki Caplan’s Meyers OTW bi-plane that is on exhibit at the Museum. It is dope on fabric so we will not need to wax or polish it, but it is really very dirty and greatly in need of a bath. Everyone who comes, please wear old clothes and bring a couple of buckets, sponges and rags – bug sponges and brushes would probably also be helpful. It is supposed to be cool (high around 50) and there is concern about getting water into the wings and fuselage so we will probably just wash and rinse the plane by hand inside the hangar. The museum does have a long hose we can use if we can get the doors open to move the airplane outside. I will buy Woolite (that’s what the Museum people recommended that we use) and Bob will bring Turtle Wax to clean and wax the metal parts. Husbands, children, friends, neighbors, etc are welcome to join us.

Chapter News:
The exhibit at the World Trade Center in Clayton in which Vivian Waters was to have her photographs displayed has been cancelled. However her pieces are still on exhibit in a gallery show at the Poor Souls Gallery, 2701 14th St. in Old North St. Louis from 11 March to 26 May (, and she will have a “one gal show” at the Third Degree Glass Factory, 5200 Delmar Blvd., from 14 April to 17 May. Vivian has invited us all to attend the Third Friday Open House at the Third Degree Glass Factory on Friday, 15 April at 6 pm. It will be a free evening of entertainment featuring fire, hot glass, great art, and cool music. It sounds like it will be well worth the effort to get out to U City for the evening.

Sherry LeMaster and her husband are relocating to Lexington, KY in April where she can be closer to her parents. She and her husband both have jobs as Financial Advisors there. We will miss you, Sherry, but good luck to both of you!

Sue Mathias will miss the airplane wash on Saturday. She is going to Hannibal with her book club. “Gonna stay in a haunted mansion, visit a cemetery under the Full Moon, dine at Lulubelle's on the Mississippi – wearing purple boas and lush red wax lips - to blend in with the history.” Now, doesn’t that sound like great fun!

Ninety Nines News:
The Amelia Earhart Birthplace Museum is having a drawing on 16 July 2011 for two (2) nights lodging for two (2) people at the historic Glick Mansion (Tuck U Inn B&B) in Atchison KS. For more information about the B&B see Tickets for the drawing are $5 each or 6 for $25. Checks should be made payable to AEBM. If you would like to purchase tickets please contact Nelda Lee at 636-391-6882 or Nelda’s mailing address is 418 Mayfair Drive, Ballwin, MO 63011.

14-16 July 2011 are the dates for this year’s Ninety Nines International Annual Meeting and Conference in Oklahoma City. The registration form is now available online. Go to to register. More information is available in the Jan/Feb/Mar issue of the 99 News. The early bird registration period ends on April 1. Until then the registration cost for all events is $299. Lodging at the Oklahoma City Marriott costs $130/night for a standard double room. Delia Greer, Jean Murry, and Jan Pocock will be representing our Chapter. Look at the International Officer candidates in the most recent 99 News and let Delia, Jean or Jan know how you would like them to vote!

St. Louis Aviation Calendar
There is an excellent, well-maintained web-based St. Louis Aviation calendar listing events scheduled in the Greater St. Louis area. This site also has links to the websites of the GSL Ninety Nines and other local aviation organizations. The site URL is .

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