Tuesday, February 8, 2011

February 2011 - Newsletter

Greater St. Louis Ninety-Nines
February 2011

February meeting: Pot Luck Luncheon and planning session for the March Girl Scout Aviation Event
noon-2 pm Saturday, 12 February 2011
Wings of Hope Hangar at Spirit of St. Louis Airport

Please bring your favorite wintertime goodies for everyone to share at our pot luck luncheon. Following lunch, we will plan the aviation event for the Girl Scouts that is scheduled for the morning of Saturday, 19 March, at the Wings of Hope hangar. The event would begin with a brief welcome and outline of the morning’s events, after which the girls would break up into 3-4 smaller groups and rotate through 3-4 learning stations. Some suggested stations include:

  • Investigation of the cockpit and flight surfaces of an actual aircraft – discuss flight instruments and how the flight controls change the configuration of the aircraft to allow it to ascend, descend, and turn.
  • Flying the flight simulators
  • Walkie talkies for radio communications
  • Navigation – sectional charts
  • MATS and the role of a flight nurse
  • Careers in aviation
  • Tour of the control tower

Please bring your ideas and what you would like to do at the event. If you will be unable to attend the meeting on Saturday but wish to help at the event, please contact me at girlpilot@sbcglobal.net or 314-725-0428.

Note that when I originally committed our Chapter to sponsor this event for the Girl Scouts I was told to expect an enrollment of 20-40 girls. However, as of last week, no Scouts had registered. This may be due to poor communication by the Girl Scout Council. When I polled our members over the weekend, most of the responses I received indicated a desire to move forward with planning the Girl Scout aviation event as originally scheduled in March. I will send additional syllabus information to the Girl Scout Council following our meeting on Saturday and ask that it be distributed to the troop leaders. Further I have told the Council that if fewer than 12 girls are registered by 26 February, we will cancel the event.

Chapter News:
Web Master Needed:
The Chapter needs a volunteer to oversee our web site. This post requires no more than 1-2 hrs per month. You would be responsible for adding announcements, minutes and newsletters to the web site and deleting old information from the site. Please contact Jean Murry or Susan Van Matre if you are interested in helping out the Chapter.

Congratulations Nelda! The National Aeronautics Association announced that Chapter member Nelda Lee has been selected to receive the Katherine and Marjorie Stinson Award for her outstanding contributions to aviation as a role model and pioneer female aerospace test engineer. I have attached a revised announcement of the award that summarizes Nelda’s many activities and achievements in aviation. Nelda will be presented the Stinson Trophy at the International Women in Aviation Conference in Reno, NV on 26 February. Please join me in congratulating Nelda on this well-deserved honor.

Ninety Nines News:
The Amelia Earhart Birthplace Museum is having a drawing on 16 July 2011 for two (2) nights lodging for two (2) people at the historic Glick Mansion (Tuck U Inn B&B) in Atchison KS. For more information about the B&B see http://www.glickmansion.com/. Tickets for the drawing are $5 each or 6 for $25. Checks should be made payable to AEBM. If you would like to purchase tickets please contact Nelda Lee at 636-391-6882 or nelda.k.lee@boeing.com Nelda’s mailing address is 418 Mayfair Drive, Ballwin, MO 63011.

14-16 July 2011 are the dates for this year’s Ninety Nines International Annual Meeting and Conference in Oklahoma City. The registration form is now available online. Go to https://tpires.com/99s/index.htm to register. More information is available in the Jan/Feb/Mar issue of the 99 News. The early bird registration period ends on April 1. Until then the registration cost for all events is $299. Lodging at the Oklahoma City Marriott costs $130/night for a standard double room.

St. Louis Aviation Calendar
There is an excellent, well-maintained web-based St. Louis Aviation calendar listing events scheduled in the Greater St. Louis area. This site also has links to the websites of the GSL Ninety Nines and other local aviation organizations. The site URL is http://stlaviationcalendar.com/default.aspx .

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